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    Ever sent an email that you wished you hadn’t! Then unSend.it!

    No matter how careful you are with emails it is always possible to make the mistake of sending an email to the wrong person or a message that you have written in anger but never really meant to send. The aftermath of which could be a nightmare and in some cases it could even cost you money through lost work etc, after all not everyone likes to hear the truth do they?

    Up until now, there has not been much help out there for those email mistakes, but there is unsend.it and this looks quite interesting. First of all, you have to register for the unsend.it service, once set up you will be able to unsend or even edit any email after it has been sent and it makes no difference if it has been opened either. Yes you can edit or unsend an email that has been opened, this is real cool and could literally save your face at home, work or with your friends.
    Ever wish you could unsend or edit an email that’s already been sent? Whether it be typos, entering the wrong recipient, attaching the wrong file, or accidentally clicking ‘reply all’…unSend.it is the solution!
    So if you are in the habit of sending out emails that you really should not have and then perhaps it’s time to think about unsend.it as you ultimate back up in emergencies. However, remember the email and subject line will always remain, as it is just the body of the email that can be unsent or edited. So watch those subject lines and imagine the fun that you could have with a simple email, you could send an email as a joke and unsend it before they have had a chance to show it to anyone.
    For more details on the unsend.it email editing and unsending service checkout their website here, this could be an essential tool for some people who are in the habit of sending before they think!
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