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    Have you Upgraded Windows 8 to 8.1?

    Good news everyone! You can now upgrade your Windows 8.0 computer to a Windows 8.1. How do I do that, you ask? Well, we will tell you how in a few easy steps, then refer you over to a pretty great blog that involves pictures and further explanations.

    Check to see what operating system you are running before you try to update. Here’s how you do that: You can go to the upper right hand corner of your screen, go down to the charms menu and click on “settings”. Click on “PC Info” under “Desktop”. The system properties will be displayed and you can see which version of Windows 8 you are using.

    If you already have Windows 8.1, then you can disregard the rest of this message. But check first, please.
    1. On the Start Screen, where all the tiles are, there is a bright green tile called “Shop”. Click that.
    2. Now that you’ve done that, there should be a purple box, it’s rather large, you can’t miss it, that says “Upgrade to Windows 8.1″. Click that. It should start downloading immediately. (Note: If you don’t see the purple box, you need to do windows updates.  (Note: If you still don’t have the purple box after that, you already have Windows 8.1!)
    3. It may take a bit of time for it to download, but you can go explore your computer and see what else it can do.
    4. When it is finished downloading, it wants you to restart your computer, that way all of the new changes are there to stay. Please heed it’s wishes.
    5. It will go through a lengthy start up and set up, at which point you can go explore other things not computer related.
    6. It will want you to agree to the license terms. Click the “I Accept” button.
    7. There will be a bunch of app installs. There is no way around it. Go explore.
    8. When it is all done with that, it will take you to the Start Screen. Your upgrade to Windows 8.1 is finished. Go explore the new things that 8.1 has to offer.
    As always, if you require help or wish for the technicians at Quest Software Solutions to do it for you, we are more than willing to help. Just be sure to call for an appointment on 08030883968.
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